Jessica and Garrett chose to do a “first look” in the Prestonwood Chapel, so that as soon as the wedding was over both the guests and the bridal party could make it to the Embassy Suites in Frisco  to get the party started! Jessica told me at her consultation that she just wanted to dance and have a good time at her reception—she did exactly that! Jessica even changed into her tennis shoes as soon as she left the church! Throughout the night the ballroom was full of genuine emotions and honest moments between fathers and daughters, grandparents and their only granddaughter, best friends, soul-mates, college roommates, and two families that have been united as one.  We hoped to have captured every moment so authentically that every time Jessica and Garrett look through their wedding album they can relive and share their story for generations to come! Congratulations Jessica and Garrett on your new journey as husband and wife. As one of the first of your friends to get married,  know that you two will be a model couple to many of your friends, whether you realize it or not. Continue to make each other a priority and be intentional in your acts of love, living every day as if it’s your last!

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